Thursday, March 26, 2009

Are you scared?

Who’s scared? This country is burning; we’re falling deeper into a hell that we will not come back from. The People are realizing that they have more power than they could ever imagine. I’m scared. Realisation is always a scary thing. There is that moment when clarity dawns and after that the storm comes and anything can fucking happen. We are seeing the People wake up and take their futures into their own hands. And just look at the power that comes with that. Those that stand in their way are being burned, fucking set alight. Our President-to-be has been warned and he will see this place in flames and he will hear screaming so horrible that he will want to take his own life. Half out of fear, half out of guilt. We will all be judged, but none more-so than him.

For too long the People have stood around, celebrating “freedom”, dancing around and shouting “Amandla”. What freedom? That is what they are asking now, and rightly so. Now the dancing has stopped, now the music has stopped. People are looking at each other and asking “hang on, what have we actually gained here?” The right to walk around after dark and the right to vote for their Liberators is what. My God, that really is all. And look where that has got us. The truth will eventually out and holy shit, what a gruesome truth it is.

The Liberators have turned into greedy, self-serving whores. Too proud to listen to amplified criticism and too scared to admit that they know fuck-all about handling responsibility. Now they bare the biggest responsibility of all, they are responsible for the stolen lives of innocent people and all they can do is sit around a shimmering table and ask themselves questions without trying to answer them. Trying to look like they care.

People, this is your reality: You are no freer than you were 14 years ago and I am deeply sorry. I don’t pretend to be an innocent sympathizer but I also do not take responsibility. I am happy that you have realized your power and also dead fucking fearful of you. Two years ago I believed in this country, that things were only going to get better. How ignorant I was, indeed, we were all ignorant. Things will get much worse now, before they get better. God save us. Our future will be written out in blood if your calls are not met. I beg you however, for your own good, to keep violence, fire and craziness to the absolute LAST second. If you are too early these bastards will not hesitate in pulling the trigger, they are foaming at the mouth with power and will do anything to keep it. What you have done is made them fearful and fear is met with defence – of any measure possible. We all hate fear and we will do anything to protect ourselves from It. Be willing to listen and to debate but stand firm with your fire and craziness in hand. Show them you will not tolerate their lies and games any longer. Your very lives are at stake.

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